Sunday, June 29, 2008

Drunker than skunks!

In Zambia there is this great saying that I find to be proven true over and over again: "Strangers are just friends you haven't met yet." Everywhere I go--- kitchen parties, church, a ride on a local minibus--- I make new friends. People so welcoming (the exact opposite of my experience on the streets of NYC). New Yorkers would freak out here. I met these hysterical ladies at a kitchen party over the weekend...

The bride was Jehova's Witness, so there were no drums (which was weird--recorded music was allowed, but no traditional drums). In retaliation ("you can't dance without drums") lots of ladies snuck cheap liquor into the event and filled coke and fanta bottles with the fiery liquid and got a little tipsy. :-) I love Zambia.


Joshua Barton said...


Good afternoon from beautiful Vancouver, WA USA. I met with Rob Anderson (from the old Hazel Dell days), and he mentioned your name and sent me your blog address. What a cool trip to Africa doing the work of the Lord. I will pray for you as you come to my mind. I have been married to 10 years to a lovely German lady named Kathleen. We have 5 little boys and 1 on the way (another boy). I graduated Multnomah Bible College in 2004 and now work at UPS as a Account Manager. It looks like you have been busy for the past 10 years! Keep loving people, and most importantly, the Lord. It's nice seeing what God is doing in and through Christ in you. May He continue to Bless you. Have a great 2008.

Joshua Barton

| B e c k | said...

So, how do I get put back on your e-mail list? I've seen the Fulkersons and Peg lately and heard so much about you. I don't know how I got blacklisted (I kid, I kid), but I want back on the e-mail update list!

Carmen Goetschius said...

Ummmm... CRAP--- Becky Riggers?!?!? What the heck is your email address?!?! Sorry! Please send it to me!