Thursday, July 2, 2009

Post-Vacation Flu

Does this ever happen to you? Just when your body begins to relax-- WHAM-- sick. I just got home from vacation, which was fabuloso, but now, here I sit in my underwear (the air conditioning hasn't kicked in yet), box of tissues in hand trying to figure out if I am hot or cold. I am breathing like an 80 year-old smoker on oxygen.

I just popped in a cough drop and am looking at pics from the last two weeks as Allison Krauss and her blue-grass band serenades me. My life is pretty darn great. Went camping with my fam over the weekend, went to the Oregon Coast, ate ice cream at the Tillamook Cheese Factory, swam with my nephews, built sand castles, stayed up late reading novels, saw whales in Depot Bay, went to the aquarium, worked out in the garden with my sister, ate halibut that just might be the best fish in the world, and laughed at countless hilarious things my nephews said and did.

I love vacation.

Right before I left this morning Tyson was strolling the "Practice Baby" around the house. My sister cleverly put a doll in a car-seat to prepare the boys for a baby sister, but the boys pile toys on her and "pretend she is a boy."

I am happily sunburned and refreshed after 2 weeks away from the craziness of New York City. Gonna go crawl into my cozy bed and hopefully sleep like the dead. I'm bringing the kleenex box to bed with me.


Angie Lai said...

just read this- hope you are feeling better now car. Glad you had such a good time. Miss you!

Rochelle said...

I hope you are feeling better my friend! At least you didn't get sick ON vacation??! Fun pictures!!...your nephews are totally adorable.

Alissa Maxwell said...

I'm so happy you had such wonderful moments of joy on your vacation! Next time we will connect. (P.S. I think we get sick because your body has finally relaxed and decompressed, giving the germs an opening... or you caught it on the plane. Yuck. Feel better.)