Wednesday, April 9, 2008

YouTube Video!!!!

Hi friends. After on of the largest debacles in my life, I found a way to upload a short video about my life for Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church (they were doing a fundraiser on Sunday and wanted to see their “global fellow” in action in Zam). If you want to check it out (about 8 minutes in length), please copy and paste this url (or just search "Carmen in Zambia" on YouTube:

Scotty is leaving me (pictured left). Not before the Komboka Ceremony (stay tuned for very cool pics and stories), which will be held in the Western Province this weekend. On Saturday we went to Race Course together for the last time (a big dance competition and Peer Education Seminar was held for a bunch of teens). We went with my new friend Sevelen who is from Namibia, but has been working in Zimbabwe for the last year. His NGO sent him to Zambia because of the potential civil unrest that is feared due to the delayed election results.

I love Sevelen (pictured below-- the one on his knees). He uses adjectives in this crazy high-pitched voice that has people in stitches. We were walking to Race Course and stopped by “MEF falls” (which has been an ongoing joke) where we enjoyed the cascading, polluted waters that feed the resovoir where we collect our drinking water.


jennifer anne said...

I miss friends holding hands! That is what my favorite things about Africans.

Brett & Shelly Faucett said...

Hey Carmen,

What a great video on Youtube!!!! You did an amazing job in such a short time. I really liked the way you focused on that little girl and also the interviews. I really thought it was great too with the facts and figures dispersed here and there. It makes me want to do something like that here in Thailand. I kind of teared up at the end of your video. Because I knew exactly what you meant. We are outsiders, but we are also friends. Africa..... man it gets into your blood.

See you soon
Lots of love