The sky is ill-tempered at the moment. The dark gray clouds are belching out claps of thunder and the rains are surely on their way. Floods have plagued Zambia and I’ve no doubt this storm will wreak havoc on the mud huts in neighboring communities. Here I sit at my kitchen table, grateful for electricity and for the tiny squares of delicious goodness (a.k.a. Starburst candy) courtesy of my cousin Tonya who sent a lovely parcel.
Wish I could take a hot bath, but alas, I think hot water may be out for a while. We have had some serious power outages (for 2-3 days at a time), which often means our water gets cut off. I keep enormous garbage cans full of water to use for washing and drinking—just in case.
I preach this Sunday in one of the biggest churches in “Chimwemwe” which is one of the largest compounds in Southern Africa. It is only second, in size, to Soweto in Johannesburg. Should be quite the event.
3 years ago